About the book
Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, who found himself at the center of a firestorm for his decision to report the infamous phone call that led to presidential impeachment, tells his own story for the first time. HERE, RIGHT MATTERS is a stirring account of Vindman’s childhood as an immigrant growing up in New York City, his career in service of his new home on the battlefield and at the White House , and the decisions leading up to, and fallout surrounding, his exposure of President Trump’s abuse of power.

About the Author
Alexander Vindman, a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, was most recently the director for Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Russia on the White House’s National Security Council. He is currently a doctoral student and fellow of the Foreign Policy Institute at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Pritzker Military Fellow at the Lawfare Institute, and a visiting fellow at the University of Pennsylvania Perry World House.
In the press
In his compelling memoir, “Here, Right Matters,” Alexander Vindman explains how it came to pass that he became a chief witness in Donald Trump’s first impeachment trial. What he presents is the story of an ordinary man placed in extraordinary circumstances who did the right thing.
The New York Times
Risa Brooks
More than most other works, Vindman’s book explains with clarity how far the president departed from U.S. policies toward Russia, including his own administration’s. Vindman’s regional knowledge allows him to unpack the reasons that so many Democrats thought Trump’s phone conversation should be the basis of the nation’s third presidential impeachment. In meticulous fashion, he details the stunning number of high-ranking officials — such as Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union — who were in on the game.
The Washington Post
Julian Zelizer
…“Here, Right Matters” is…a compelling read. It’s interesting to gain his perspective on these events now that time has passed. “I’ve come to realize that the system worked largely as it was supposed to,” he writes. “Good actors did their duty, obeyed their oaths, and defended the Constitution.” It’s heartening that Vindman’s patriotism remains intact, even if he became collateral damage as the system did its work.
The Christian Science Monitor
Barbara Spindel
If Alexander Vindman is not yet quite a household name, he should be. Vindman, of course, is the National Security Council (NSC) aide who sat in on President Donald Trump’s infamous “perfect” call in 2019 with Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s president, and then reported it to his superiors, setting in motion a chain of events that eventually led to Trump’s first impeachment. In his new memoir, Here, Right Matters: An American Story, Vindman has an extraordinary story to tell, and he tells it exceedingly well.
American Purpose
Gabriel Schoenfeld
Alexander S. Vindman’s book, on The New York Times top-10 nonfiction bestseller list for two consecutive weeks, straightforwardly addresses his allegiance to the values he develops during childhood and during Army training including Ranger School.
National Defense University Foundation
J. Ford Huffman
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